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SIIA Chairman Simon Tay was quoted by TODAY’s Albert Wai in an article on Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s National Day Rally 2016 speech.

While Singapore is good friends with both the United States and China, managing ties with the superpowers is not easy, as their interests will conflict and the Republic will be pressured to choose sides, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

“We (Singapore) are not pro-US or pro-China or anti-anyone. We stand for ourselves and hope our friends understand,” said Associate Professor Simon Tay, chairman of the Singapore Institute of International Affairs to TODAY.

“Some parts of China and of USA will always feel we don’t do enough for them. But rationally I hope all parties can see (the) principle and also value in what Singapore brings to the table,” added Assoc Prof Tay, who was present at yesterday’s rally.

Full Article: Despite superpower pressure, S’pore must choose its ‘own place to stand’ [TODAY, 22 Aug 2016]

Photo Credit: Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

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