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Digitalisation and climate change are areas in which Europe and Asia can expand their cooperation on. On 20  January 2022, the SIIA held the webinar, “Can the EU and the UK Lead with Asia?”, featuring Her Excellency Ms. Kara Owen, British High Commissioner to Singapore UK in Singapore and Her Excellency Ms Iwona Piorko, European Union (EU) Ambassador to Singapore European Union in Singapore. The speakers provided insights on how multilateral collaboration can assist with trade and investments in times of disruption, the growing need for digital transformation and the rising pressure for sustainable development amidst greater climate awareness. Read more on the webinar in this week’s Bangkok Post’s Asia Focus.

Media Coverage

How Trading Hot Air Can Cool the Planet (The Peak)

In 2022, Singapore committed itself to a net-zero emissions target by 2050. Since then, there…
April 1, 20231 min
Media Coverage

Myanmar Coup: Two Years On (Asia First, Channel News Asia)

"There is no possibility of dialogue without having all the stakeholders on board" Watch SIIA's…
February 2, 20231 min
Timor Leste
Media Coverage

Channel News Asia: What Will It Take For Timor-Leste To Join ASEAN?

11 years since Timor-Leste applied to join the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, it is…
August 22, 20221 min

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